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Professor Anthony J. Ryan from the University of Sheffield and founder of the Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures is appointed Honorary Doctor…
Head of the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University Kaj Grønbæk’s contract has been extended until September 2027.
Rebecca Fjord Jørgensen is a biology student at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the recipient of Queen Margrethe II’s travel grant of 25,000 DKK.…
The world needs natural science graduates more than ever, and Denmark’s three largest universities will use a DKK 125 million grant from the Novo…
Researchers at Aarhus University have found a better method to recycle polyurethane foam from items like mattresses. This is great news for the…
Professor Jeppe Vang Lauritsen has been named the new director of the Aarhus University Centre for Integrated Materials Research (iMAT). Succeeding Bo…
Climate change, drought, increased temperature and other stressors challenge agricultural sustainability. Researchers have now made an unexpected…
Human hunting, not climate change, played a decisive role in the extinction of large mammals over the last 50,000 years. This conclusion comes from…
The research collaboration RePURpose is behind a new technology to recycle polyurethane, and it has been awarded the Plastics Prize 2024. Last year,…
On 1 June, Professor of Marine Geology Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz will start as the new head of the Department of Geoscience. She brings with her…
Pablo Alcón has been awarded a Lundbeck Foundation Fellowship of EUR 1.3 million to establish a research group at the Department of Molecular Biology…
In an interdisciplinary study, researchers discovered that symbiotic bacteria communicate with legume plants through specific molecules and that this…
By 2025, three new English-language Bachelor's programmes in IT will attract even more international students to Aarhus. There is high demand for…
Three IT Product Development students are behind LakeLog: an exam project that sparked such enthusiasm at Naturvidenskabernes Hus that it's now fully…
New research shows how the body's cells distribute and maintain optimal levels of cholesterol. The findings open up new perspectives on the…
Researchers from Aarhus University and the Italian Institute of Technology have discovered how certain proteins can attach to special structures in…
New technology enables authorities and businesses to share data and gain entirely new insights - all while your personal anonymity is fully protected.…
On 1 May, Professor Birgit Schiøtt will become dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Schiøtt will head the faculty where she has built a career as…
The pilot period for the Open Discovery Innovation Network (ODIN) project, which is based at AU, has been so successful that it is now being expanded…
New large-scale study shows that the idea of native animals being better for the local ecosystem than similar introduced species is wrong. What…
Researchers at Aarhus University have unveiled a groundbreaking discovery shedding light on the intricate play between legume plants and…
Troels Skrydstrup and the rest of the CETEC team have received the JEC Award for their groundbreaking and innovative recycling technology for wind…
RNA is thought to have sparked the origin of life by self-copying. Researchers from Aarhus University, Denmark, and MRC LMB Cambridge, England, have…
The new technology can separate out the different fibres in the clothes, so that they can be processed and used again.
Can you turn bacteria's immune systems against them as part of future antibiotic treatment? A research group from the Department of Molecular Biology…
The shells can reveal the oceans’ natural chemistry before they were so severely polluted by humans.
For years, scientists have debated whether humans or the climate have caused the population of large mammals to decline dramatically over the past…
A green corridor through the Sahara emerged precisely during the period when our earliest ancestors migrated from Africa. This is shown by new…
Professor Stig Uggerhøj Andersen from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University is part of a European consortium "Legume…
For decades, we believed that outside ice ages Europe was mostly covered by dense forest before the arrival of modern humans. Now, a new study shows…
Two experienced AU profiles will strengthen Natural Sciences within careers, research and collaboration with business and industry as newly appointed…
For years, clumping of the alpha-synuclein protein (aSN) has been known as a central player in diseases that break down the brain and its functions.…
The Lundbeck Foundation has earmarked a Frontier Grant of DKK 4.3 million to help Associate Professor Ulf Andersson Vang Ørom of the Department of…
Science journalist and author Lone Frank is the 2023 distinguished alumna. The driving force for the 2023 distinguished alumna is the same as for a…
Kenyans are learning to use special equipment and interpret data so that they can find water underground. A group of researchers from Aarhus…
Professor, chemist and entrepreneur Kim Daasbjerg is the first recipient of the Else Kai Sass Award. Collaboration, innovation and remarkable research…
Master’s degree student in molecular medicine Signe Bjerg Kristensen receives Queen Margrethe II's travel grant.
A new UN report has quantified the enormous damage to biodiversity and the economy caused by invasive species all over the world. Behind the report is…
Elephants, buffaloes and other heavy herbivores are effective against invasive plants. This is the conclusion of a new study from Aarhus University…
Professor Elena Conti stands out as one of the best structural biologists of her generation, and on 15 September she will be honorary doctor at the…
Together with partners from industry, researchers from Aarhus University have now proven that simple chemistry can do more than just extract important…
New research from Aarhus University show the need for an international effort to limit global pollution by PFAS. The substance inhibits the immune…
Biologically, humans burn approximately the same amount of energy as all other species on Earth burn on average based on metabolic rate per kilo. But…
A joint collaboration between researchers from the spin-out company Commit Biologics, Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel and Aarhus University has…
Researchers from Aarhus University have developed a revolutionary new method, called triplex origami, to manipulate the shape and tight packing of…
A new team of researchers dreams of making a difference for patients with e.g. diabetes, fatty liver, renal fibrosis, and atherosclerosis. With DKK 60…
Legume protein will play a major role in future food production, but legumes have long been overshadowed by cereals in terms of research and…
Over the next years, 16 talented researchers from the Faculty of Natural Sciences will help lift Danish research to new heights with support from…
According to Louise Marie Dalskov Kjerulff, who holds a PhD in molecular biology, the immune system is the most complex system in the human body.…
Researchers at Aarhus University have discovered the secrets behind how plants move sugar using a protein called the SUC transporter. This…
David Lundbek Egholm has decided to resign from his position as the vice-dean for research at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. On 1 August, he will…
Researchers from Aarhus University and the Danish Technological Institute have developed a chemical process that can disassemble the epoxy composite…
Associate Professor Magnus Kjærgaard, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, has been awarded an Ascending Investigator…
Postdoc Rasmus Kock Flygaard has been awarded a Hallas-Møller Emerging Investigator grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation of DKK 10 million (Euro…
Professor Rune Hartmann, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, has been awarded a Distinguished Investigator grant of DKK…
Assistant Professor Gilles Vanwalleghem has been awarded a Hallas-Møller Emerging Investigator grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation of DKK 10…
Billions of people around the world lack access to clean drinking water, leading to serious health consequences. BE-SALT, a new Danish consortium…
After a successful kick-off, the Plant2Food collaboration platform is now ready with the programme for activities this spring. Plant2Food is also…
Paul Nelson will conduct research that will bring together experts to develop new methods for rigorously analysing L-functions, with the goal of…
Danish space history will be written when the first satellite in the DISCO student satellite programme is sent into space. The DISCO programme is a…
A new global survey of 1000 forest areas shows how past climate change has had a major impact on the diversity and distribution of tree species we see…
You can still be celebrated, even if you’re buried in mud. A new study shows that innumerable other bacteria flock around cable bacteria in the…
Congratulations to Brigitte Städler and Rikke Louise Meyer who have been appointed professors in bionanoscience at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience…
Thomas Bataillon from the Bioinformatics Research Centre (BiRC) and colleagues in Portugal will use an ERC Advanced Grant to conduct research into the…
A new course will teach the oldest pupils in Danish primary schools about artificial intelligence (or machine learning) on social media.
Explosions, brightly coloured flames and foam sausages, all mixed with humour and infectious enthusiasm. The Chemistry Show has entertained and…
In a new study, researchers warn that the Arctic Sea ice may soon be a thing of the past in the summer months. Ten thousand years ago, the ice melted…
How can we manage a sustainable production of fossil-free offshore wind power, and mussels and seaweed in the same marine area? And what are the…
The number of first priority applications for the natural science degree programmes via quota 2 is at the same level as last year, according to…
Faba bean is a key protein source for tomorrow’s plant-based foods. So far, its extremely large and complex genome has been impossible to…
Toothed whales, such as dolphins, killer whales and sperm whales communicate and catch food exclusively with sound. Now researchers have for the first…
Stig Uggerhøj Andersen has been appointed Professor in Molecular Genetics of Plants at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus…
Simona Radutoiu has been appointed Professor of Plant Molecular Biology at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University as of…
Highly non-degradable chemicals such as PFAS and pesticides can have useful properties in some situations, but are be extremely difficult for nature…
The H. C. Urey Award is awarded to researchers who have made an outstanding contribution to geochemistry. The award is one of the most prestigious…
Dorthe Ravnsbæk from the Department of Chemistry has received the prestigious Elite Research Prize for leading research into sustainable, rechargeable…
It has never been easier to find relevant teaching materials about the ocean than it is now. Through a fruitful collaboration with AU IT, the project…
Researchers from Aarhus University and the Museum of Natural History have spent a year collecting and analysing environmental DNA from horse droppings…
Researchers from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University take part in an international research network, ENSA, which…
Modern DNA technology now allows simple monitoring of the distribution of different fish species in remote Arctic areas. This is shown in a new…
Researchers from Aarhus University have now discovered the receptor complex crucial for initiating symbiotic signaling in legume plants that engage in…
In an area plagued by periods of drought, it is difficult to understand how the great ancient city of Great Zimbabwe thrived for centuries, but the…
A group of teachers at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University has joined forces with former students to develop the…
The Novo Nordisk Foundation have awarded a total of DKK 15 million to six researchers from the faculty. The objective of the grants is to support…
Independent Research Fund Denmark has awarded a total of DKK 247 million to 41 research leaders. Three of the young, talented researchers work at the…
The ostrich is an obvious model for investigating how large animals are affected by the large fluctuations in temperatures we will experience in the…
Saving energy requires planning. Experiments have to be timed to be completed within normal working hours. It's more of a hassle than before, but for…
The need for energy storage is increasing, but with the present technology, there are not enough resources to produce the necessary batteries. On…
Researchers have received support from the Danish Cancer Society’s programme Knæk Cancer for a research project that will lead to better immunotherapy…
Independent Research Fund Denmark has granted a total of approx. DKK 8.6 million to three researchers from the Department of Biology, the Department…
The new collaborative platform, Plant2Food, will speed up the development of plant-based foods. On Plant2Food, researchers and companies will work…
Defects in the cell's cilia are the cause of many different diseases. Therefore, there is a great focus on identifying the function of cilia, so that…
Independent Research Fund Denmark has granted DKK 2.9 million to research into how to prevent cooling systems from exacerbating global warming.
Despite numerous trials in the past decade prostate tumors have so far resisted treatment with immunotherapy. Now iNANO and Aarhus University Hospital…
Global warming can have alarming consequences for ectotherms (commonly known as cold-blooded animals) across the globe, both on land and in water.…
Applications are flooding in for the entrepreneurial grant AU Launch, which is putting an end to a lack of investment for start-ups at Aarhus…
Danish researchers have determined the three-dimensional structure of the proteolytic enzyme PAPP-A. The results may allow us to better understand the…
An international team of astronomers has created color images and animations of five years of light echoes from a supernova in the Centaurus A galaxy.
IFA physicist Thomas Pohl, together with Arno Rauschenbeutel from the Humboldt University Berlin and Sebastian Hofferberth from the University of…
Assistant Professor Alonso Rosas-Hernández is the first researcher to receive a Junior Group Leader grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation CO₂…
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