"At the Faculty of Natural Sciences, we want to be transparent about who we are and what opportunities we can offer current and future employees."
- Ole Bækgaard Nielsen, vice-dean for career development and innovation, Faculty of Natural Sciences.
"We have a strong international profile and we recruit talented employees from all over the world. About half of our scientific staff have an international background. We have the most international employees among our postdocs and assistant professors."
"We have many young talents and an increasing number of tenure-track appointments (assistant professors). Therefore, we also feel a special responsibility for the career development of young researchers, regardless of whether the goal is a job within or outside the university."
"We want to promote diversity at the faculty and talk openly about the challenges of today and how we can work with them. In particular, we focus on the gender balance among our scientific staff, which is still very skewed, especially among associate professors and professors. We hope, among other things, that an active focus on career planning and guidance will make more women choose the research path."