Aarhus University Seal

Management and administration


The Faculty of Natural Sciences is headed by the dean, who is also a member of the AU senior management team. The dean holds academic and financial responsibility for the faculty. In addition to the dean, the Dean's Office consists of three vice-deans and is the faculty's day-to-day management.

The faculty management team consists of the dean, the vice-deans, the heads of the faculty's eight largest units as well as the administrative management.

The faculty management team makes decisions about the overall direction for the faculty. In collaboration with the boards of studies, the directors of studies are responsible for the practical organisation of degree programmes.

The Dean’s Secretariat performs strategic analyses as well as development and quality tasks for the dean and the vice-deans, and it provides secretariat assistance for management including press and communication.

The Administrative Centre supports the departments at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Technical Sciences administratively with assignments within HR, estates facilities, finances, IT, communication and programme administration.