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Pollen isn’t - atishoo! – just pollen. Some grasses are bad news for allergy sufferers, while others are completely harmless. Aarhus University has…
Thomas Vosegaard has been appointed as the new centre director from 1 June 2022
Biology Professor Signe Normand has received the Victor Albeck Award of DKK 100,000 for her innovative and ground-breaking research on climate change…
Researchers from Aarhus University have developed the browser extension Consent-O-Matic – a piece of software that automatically answers consent…
Niels Kristian Kjærgård Madsen from the Department of Chemistry receives AUFF's PhD prize, DKK 50.000, for his development of quantum chemistry…
Rasmus Andreasen is co-author in a new article in Nature Astronomy: "The dissipation of the solar nebula constrained by impacts and core cooling in…
Corona prevented chemistry professor Anja-Verena Mudring from using the travel budget from her VILLUM Investigator grant. Now she is instead using the…
Through hard work and team effort, one man's seminal vision twenty years ago became the first interdisciplinary research centre at Aarhus University…
”Climate research in Northeast Greenland (KLANG)”