Aarhus University Seal

Three more years for strong advocate of the IT profession

Head of the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University Kaj Grønbæk’s contract has been extended until September 2027.

Kaj Grønbæk, Head of the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University. Photo: AU Foto

Computer science has been taught at Aarhus University for 53 years, and Kaj Grønbæk has been involved for 43 of them. First in 1981, as a computer science student with mathematics as his subsidiary subject, then as a professor from 1999 and since 2018 as the head of the Department of Computer Science, where his contract has just been extended by three years.

Dean Birgit Schiøtt is delighted:

"Kaj Grønbæk has led the institute during AU’s digitalization efforts, which included expanding the institute. He has successfully recruited in a competitive global field and focused on creating an internationally recognized research environment. He has also produced high-quality IT graduates. Moreover, he has made a significant contribution to the debate on how technology adds value to society," says Birgit Schiøtt.

Kaj Grønbæk's field of research encompasses ubiquitous computing, augmented reality, visual data analysis, interaction design and computer-aided collaboration. This has made him a key player in the development of the technologies of the future. 

He has also been active in the public debate on training for IT specialists so much in demand by the labour market. In several contexts, Kaj Grønbæk has argued for more international IT students to be admitted to AU to reduce the shortage of IT specialists in Denmark.

His department is also characterised by internationalisation. Almost half of the department's researchers have been recruited from abroad, and out of the 21 researchers Kaj Grønbæk himself has employed over the past six years, 19 come from Greece, Germany, the United States, Turkey, India, and elsewhere. 

In his own words, he is very much looking forward to three more years as the head of the department, which has cyber security and international degree programmes on its agenda:

"We have an excellent and innovative working climate, and it's a pleasure to be surrounded by so many talented students," says Kaj Grønbæk.

Kaj Grønbæk headed the Interactive Spaces Lab at the Alexandra Institute from 2009 to 2018, and he is now affiliated with the Alexandra Institute as the vice-chair of the board of directors and as a Distinguished Scientific Advisor. He is also the chair of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences’ (ATV) Digital Council and a member of the Central Denmark Region's Artificial Intelligence advisory board. Moreover, he is a frequent lecturer in the public lecture series on science and at the Danish University Extension.



Head of the Department of Computer Science, Kaj Grønbæk
(+45) 21 49 56 34