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Biology Student Receives Queen Margrethe II’s Travel Grant

Rebecca Fjord Jørgensen is a biology student at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the recipient of Queen Margrethe II’s travel grant of 25,000 DKK. The funds were used for a stay at the University of São Paulo in Brazil, where she learned new techniques to determine blood vessel function.

Queen Margrethe II’s Travel Grant was established in 2010 as a gift to Her Majesty Queen Margrethe on the occasion of the Queen’s 70th birthday. The grant will be awarded in connection with Aarhus University’s annual celebration on September 13, 2024. Photo: AU Photo

Rebecca Fjord Jørgensen is fascinated by physiology, especially the link between the molecular and cellular levels and how the body functions as a whole. She wrote her Bachelor's project on myoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein found in muscles, and she plans to write her Master's thesis within comparative biology, which explores physiology across organisms – for example, by studying the digestive system of reptiles, we can learn more about the digestive system of humans, or by examining the eyes of fish or birds, we can discover more about the general structure of the eye.

Rebecca Fjord Jørgensen also plays an active role in the social side of student life. She is a member of the revue theatre group at the Department of Biology, the Aarhus student rowing club, and the rowing club’s social society.