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IFA physicist Thomas Pohl, together with Arno Rauschenbeutel from the Humboldt University Berlin and Sebastian Hofferberth from the University of…
Assistant Professor Alonso Rosas-Hernández is the first researcher to receive a Junior Group Leader grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation CO₂…
A Danish research team has now determined a three-dimensional atomic structure of the NKCC1 protein, which supports future work to identify novel…
Good news for the many people who suffer from diabetes, as researchers from Novo Nordisk A/S and the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at…
Congratulations to Ivan Damgård, Jesper Buus Nielsen, and former PhD student Sigurd Meldgaard (now software engineer at Google) who have been selected…
Synthetic biology strives to achieve robust control of biological processes in order to create designer organisms for a variety of industrial,…
This year, researchers from the department are organizing four sessions at the Digital Tech Summit. Ira, Bas, Eve, and Ken will each chair a session…
Title: Around the World in 13 Hours, by Shaeema Zaman at Science Melting Pot.
For the second year in a row, student course and study group result in a paper in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
The Viking Age beadmakers were more advanced than previously believed. A research group from i.a. Aarhus University reveals that the ancient craftsmen…
New methods can hopefully provide faster results.
Mathias Løkkegaard Laursen has won Danish Mathematical Society's Master’s thesis prize for 2021. A prize awarded each year to the best mathematics…
The Villum Synergy programme focuses on strengthening data-driven interdisciplinary research. The Grants are awarded to projects that combine data…
With the programme "Molecules to Ecosystems", Europe's leading life science research laboratory EMBL aims to link traditional molecular biology…
With a grant of DKK 15 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Thomas Vosegaard (Professor and iNANO Director) and co-applicants will be able to…
A new project will digitize environmental measurements of chemicals and nutrients in real time. This makes it possible to limit environmental…
Prof. Niels Christian Nielsen and Prof. Henrik Birkedal from Department of Chemistry and iNANO each receive a Villum Synergy grant for their…
His teaching is entertaining, witty and structured in equal measure, and he has won the award for Lecturer of the Year three times at the Department…
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Ugo Marzocchi who received a grant of DKK 2 Mio. to investigate the influence of electric fields on the…
Airborne DNA falls to the earth's surface, where it blends with existing DNA deposits from the area's animals and plants. New research emphasizes the…
A British company has made its commercial facilities available to Danish plant molecular biologists so that they can make a large-scale study of elite…
There may well be important research breakthroughs in what we previously thought of as a dead end. The Villum Experiment programme has encouraged…
Thomas Lykke Rasmussen and Mads Emil Marker Jungersen study Data Science at the Department of Mathematics. On 4-9 September they will both participate…
Sebastian Loeschcke, master's student in computer science, from the Department of Computer Science receives Queen Margrethe II's travel grant, which…
The PATTERN Consortium, which consists of 19 partners, including the Centre for Science Studies at the Department of Mathematics, wins Horizon Europe…
Danish researchers have developed a new and faster technology that might pave the way for non-invasive and very early diagnosis of a wide variety of…
Over the next three days, the new batch of students will take over campus as they begin their academic journey at Aarhus University.
New tools for root analysis can transform the European agricultural landscape to provide food security and climate change adaptation and mitigation. A…
Researchers at Aarhus University have developed a new and inexpensive way of breaking down polyurethane (PU) plastic into its original components,…
The Thai Office of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation has just awarded a prestigious award to Professor Henrik Balslev for his years…
Congratulations to postdocs Andrew Abraham and Julia Otte. They each received EU funding for their research projects.
H.C. Ørsted Selskabet has granted this year's research award of DKK 50,000 to Professor Dorthe Ravnsbæk from the Department of Chemistry, while the…
Admissions to Bachelor's programmes at the Faculty of Natural Sciences are back to pre-corona levels. The faculty is also pleased to see growth in…
Researchers from Aarhus and Berlin have developed a new algorithm that can teach computers to predict how complex molecules will bind to the surface…
The development of new types of drugs based on DNA and RNA is happening at a rapid pace. The mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 are just one of many…
The purpose of the NERD programme is to support original basic research within the natural and technical sciences. The four researchers receive a…
Associate Professor Simona Radutoiu from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics has joined distinguished company, as she has been elected…
The quota 1 applications to higher education degree programmes in Denmark have been counted, and despite a general tendency towards fewer applications…
It has been known since 1926, that the growth and development of plants is controlled by a hormone group called auxin, but only now is it revealed how…
The world's oceans are filling with plastic, and the global community cannot keep up with production and break down the large amount of plastic…
In a new global study of more than 46,000 species of trees, an international team of researchers has shown that many tree species are under…
PhD students from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, who have participated in international conferences in Germany…
Enzymes fit their substrates snugly to be specific - yet should not get trapped after they have done their deed. Therefore, enzymes bind their…
Cloud formation and what actually happens inside clouds is one of the great mysteries in climate research. The solution to the mystery can be…
Warmer temperatures, increased globalisation and more people are putting pressure on Earth's biodiversity and ecosystems. This means that many of the…
The International Biogeography Society has selected Professor Jens-Christian Svenning from the Department of Biology a Distinguished Fellow. He was…
As the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG) is the first department to move into the University City, it was decided that Queen…
The Danish National Research Foundation, the Carlsberg Foundation, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the Lundbeck Foundation and the VILLUM Foundation…
Professor of astrophysics Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard from Aarhus University will be the first Dane to receive the Norwegian Kavli Prize for…
Joanna M. Davies and Adrián López Quirós have received research grants from iCLIMATE
Pollen isn’t - atishoo! – just pollen. Some grasses are bad news for allergy sufferers, while others are completely harmless. Aarhus University has…
Thomas Vosegaard has been appointed as the new centre director from 1 June 2022
Biology Professor Signe Normand has received the Victor Albeck Award of DKK 100,000 for her innovative and ground-breaking research on climate change…
Researchers from Aarhus University have developed the browser extension Consent-O-Matic – a piece of software that automatically answers consent…
Niels Kristian Kjærgård Madsen from the Department of Chemistry receives AUFF's PhD prize, DKK 50.000, for his development of quantum chemistry…
Rasmus Andreasen is co-author in a new article in Nature Astronomy: "The dissipation of the solar nebula constrained by impacts and core cooling in…
Corona prevented chemistry professor Anja-Verena Mudring from using the travel budget from her VILLUM Investigator grant. Now she is instead using the…
Through hard work and team effort, one man's seminal vision twenty years ago became the first interdisciplinary research centre at Aarhus University…
”Climate research in Northeast Greenland (KLANG)”
Fuel from liquid hydrocarbons as we know them, but made completely without the use of fossil resources. This is the goal of a new project partnered by…
Azadeh Shahsavar, who is assistant professor in Professor Poul Nissen's group at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University,…
Xavier Bofill De Ros is one of the seven talented researchers who will become a Lundbeckfonden fellow in 2022. And the grant that comes with the…
The European Research Council has granted Professor Mikkel Heide Schierup from the Bioinformatics Research Centre at Aarhus University EUR 2.5 million…
Astrophysicist Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard from Aarhus University has become a member of the exclusive and highly esteemed American scientific…
Most drugs used today have only one mechanism of action and it is both difficult and expensive to manufacture drugs with multiple functions.…
AU researcher, Associate Professor Brigitte Stadler, and an intercontinental team of researchers, have received a prestigious international grant to…
ODIN has reserved DKK 23.9 million for six new research projects that will pave the way for new drugs to treat a wide range of medical conditions –…
A group of PhD students from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics has set out to make their department even greener. They have therefore…
Denmark is phasing in a new digital ID system, known as MitID. A student and several researchers from the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus…
Isabella Nymann Westensee from iNANO and Simon Vendelbo Bylling Jensen from the Department of Physics and Astronomy each receive DKK 200,000, which…
Kasper Green Larsen is 35 years old and a newly appointed professor at the Department of Computer Science - that makes him one of the youngest…
Exceptionally promising. This is how an Arctic top researcher describes a probe that three engineer students have developed during a bachelor's…
With data from Aarhus University, among other places, more than 140 researchers from all over the world have calculated that there must be some 73,300…
With a grant of DKK 50 M in the form of a Laureate Research Grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, Professor Daan von Aalten moves his research group…
It was surprising in itself when an international team of researchers from AU and elsewhere discovered communities of microorganisms thriving at…
Good news for innovative researchers: Working together with the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the five largest universities in Denmark are bringing the…
The VILLUM FOUNDATION has selected this year's 16 research talents to be part of the Villum Young Investigator programme. Six of this year's…
Despite recent progress in predicting protein and RNA structure, we are still far from being able to design biomolecular structures that rival the…
Around half of the world’s plant species rely on animals to spread their seeds. A new international study has shown that, as a consequence of the…
Assistant Professor Jonas Elm (Chemistry) and the upcoming group leader of DANDRITE, Postdoc Taro Kitazawa, will each receive approx. DKK 11 million…
Aarhus University’s research vessel Aurora is also an excellent communication platform.
Kristiansen receives support to test new fast field methods together with archaeologists
A research team at Aarhus University has developed a new molecule that attaches to the surface of SARS-CoV-2 virus particles. This attachment prevents…
The Carlsberg Foundation has awarded almost DKK 98 million to basic research at Aarhus University. The humanities and social sciences have been…
The underwater noise around Greenland has just been mapped in a new study, thereby allowing future changes of ambient noise levels to be investigated…
By using ground-breaking new electronics and data modelling, a team of researchers from Aarhus University has proven that it is possible to carry out…
A course in bio-entrepreneurship was the basis for a new life as an entrepreneur for two biology students from Aarhus. After receiving two financial…
Researchers from Aarhus University have led a team that has discovered one of the ways legume plants balance nitrogen acquisition from the soil with…
Aarhus University has received ten grants from the Inge Lehmann Programme under the Independent Research Fund Denmark. Two of the selected researchers…
Danish students are now developing and planning the next student-operated satellite mission in the Danish satellite programme: DISCO. The aim of the…
An international team led by researchers from Aarhus University have discovered how plant receptors recognize specific carbohydrate signaling…
The Independent Research Fund Denmark (IRFD) has awarded DKK 280 million to 55 green research ideas, 15 of which are from Aarhus University. Five…
Postdoc Laura Stidsholt from the Department of Biology is one of the grant recipients under the Villum International Postdoc talent programme. The DKK…
Denmark’s first Biodiversity Council has been set up to advise the government and the Danish Parliament on nature initiatives. The Minister for the…
Legumes can make agriculture greener, both by carbon fixing, but more specifically because they do not need artificial fertilizers supplying nitrogen,…
The modern university is closely intertwined with the surrounding community. This does not mean that the freedom of research is compromised, writes…
Researchers at Aarhus University have elucidated structures of a sugar transport protein that drives transport of sugar in plants. The study provides…
A large part of the world's population has fragments of neanderthal genes in their DNA. The length of these fragments provides new insight into how…
The Villum Foundation grants DKK 6 million for two interdisciplinary research projects at Aarhus University - more specifically the Department of…
A new, unique research centre has been launched. The Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center is to be established with a grant of DKK 630 million…
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