Aarhus University Seal

Welcome to the Alumni Network!

As a member of Aarhus University's Alumni Network, you have the opportunity to maintain and develop a lifelong professional interest in science, keep in touch and expand your network.

The professional environments

To ensure that you as an alumni receive as professional an offer as possible, the departments at Natural Sciences have their own professional entrances with events, news and offers. Most institutes have one or more LinkedIn groups, where you can receive news from your old professional environment and be part of a community linked to a common educational background and professional interest.

The great community

As a member of Aarhus University's Alumni Network you get access to a basic package, which contains the AU Alumni Newsletter as well as general offers and benefits aimed at all members of Aarhus University's Alumni Network. In addition, you can mark and continuously update your interests within both your own and other subject areas. The alumni network is for all alumni, students and current and former employees of Aarhus University.