Aarhus University Seal

Sign up for the alumni network

By registering, you will become a member of Aarhus University's Alumni Network.

You get access to

  • Activities aimed at alumni from your subject / department
  • Knowledge and networking opportunities within both your own and other professional areas
  • AU alumni newsletter and other offers / benefits aimed at all members.

See the professional entries and also sign up for the relevant Alumni (es) on LinkedIn group (s) to get the full benefit of your membership.

Alumni at Natural Sciences

is part of Aarhus University's Alumni Network, which is for all alumni from AU, incl. alumni from educational institutions that are merged with AU. Current students and (former) staff can also become members. The alumni network has over 40,000 members - about 5,500 of them from Natural Sciences.

What is an Alumni?

A former student who has completed his education. You are an alumnus when you have a bachelor's, master's, PhD, master's or diploma program from Aarhus University.

Registration form