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Examples of research at Natural Sciences

The strong natural science research environments at Natural Sciences are nationally and internationally recognised for providing research of the highest quality. This research is supported by research funding from public and private foundations for the most talented researchers and the best and most visionary research projects.

We have collated a number of examples of research projects, research centres and other major research initiatives at units under Natural Sciences.


Subject area: Physics, chemistry, computer science, machine learning

Purpose: To use machine learning to find new ways of converting COinto methanol

Researchers: Associate professor Mie Andersen

Supported by: Villum Foundation


Subject area: Chemistry, molecular biology and genetics

Purpose: Develop medicine that combines more functions in one drug

Researchers: professor Kurt Vesterager Gothelf, professor Jørgen Kjems and associate professor Ken Howard at CEMBID

Supported by: Novo Nordisk Foundation

Partners: The Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center


Subject area: Plant Molecular Biology

Purpose: To grow more food to future generations by getting more knowledge about plants' interaction with soil bacteria.

Researcher: Professor Jens Stougaard

Supported by: The European Research Council

Partner: Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics


Subject area: Neuroscience, molecular biology, genetics and biomedicine

Purpose: To understand how the brain works

Researchers: Professor Poul Nissen, Anne von Philipsborn, Duda Kvitsiani and Sadegh Nabavi and others

Supported by: Lundbeck Foundation

Partners: Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine and EMBL


Subject area: Astronomy and information technology, geology

Purpose: Test nano satelittes' potential for scientific research in space

Researcher: Professor Hans Kjeldsen

Supported by: Aarhus University Research Foundation

Partners: GomSpace A/S and Stellar Astrophysics Centre, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Engineering and Department of Geoscience


Subject area: Nanoscience

Purpose: To give companies a more richly detailed image of their products than so far.

Researcher: Professor Thomas Vosegaard 

Partner: Danish Center for Ultrahigh Field NMR Spectroscopy and iNano


Subject Area: Microbiology

Purpose: To research the new bacteria

Researcher: Professor Lars Peter Nielsen

Supported by: Danish National Research Foundation

Partner: Center for Electromicrobiology


Subject area: Biodiversity

Purpose: To monitor biodiversity to find solutions for the crisis of biodiversity.

Researcher: Professor Jens-Christian Svenning

Supported by: VILLUM FONDEN



Subject area: Ecoinformatics and biodiversity

Purpose: To develop a new method to monitor the nature

Researcher: PhD student Oskar Liset Pryds Hansen

Partner: Naturhistorisk Museum Aarhus