Aarhus University Seal

Aarhus researcher will look deeper into bones

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has just granted a total of DKK 75 million (EUR 10 million) to projects that can strengthen the infrastructure in Danish research. At Aarhus University, Associate Professor Henrik Birkedal has received a total of DKK 16.3 million (EUR 2.2 million) for his Aarhus X-ray Imaging Alliance – AXIA project. The ambition of the project is to forge better understanding of bone structures during the course of diseases.

[Translate to English:] Link til foto
[Translate to English:] Lektor Henrik Birkedal fra Institut for Kemi modtager 16,3 mio. kr. fra Novo Nordisk Fonden til ny forskningsinfrastruktur. (Foto: AU)

Among other things, scientific progress is based on the possibility of conducting experiments on high-quality research infrastructure. This is why the Novo Nordisk Foundation has granted DKK 75 million this year to a total of six projects.

At Aarhus University, Associate Professor Henrik Birkedal has been awarded the largest infrastructure grant from the foundation of DKK 16.3 million. The project is called AXIA, and its ambition is not only to build bridges between different academic disciplines, but also to hospitals and international research facilities.

More specifically, the grant enables acquisition of two new X-ray machines, which each will make it possible to look even deeper into bone structures during the course of illness. Among other things, by taking 3D X-ray images in vivo in unprecedented quality and resolution, taking high-resolution 3D images with X-ray microscopy, and by combining them with studies using synchrotron radiation.

The project involves a broad range of academic fields at Aarhus University, and is being headed by Associate Professor Henrik Birkedal.

Read more about the grant and the background at the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

Associate Professor Henrik Birkedal,
Department of Chemistry and iNANO
Tel.: +45 22508475
Email: hbirkedal@chem.au.dk