Aarhus University Seal

Andreas Klose


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Andreas Klose

Areas of expertise

  • Operations Research

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


My main research area is on single objective and multi-objective combinatorial optimization and integer programming models and methods, in particular with application to decision problems in logistics. Currently, I am in particular working on exact solution approaches to bi-objective facility location problems on a network as well as facility location problems under uncertainty. Since quite some time, I'm also working on metaheuristic solution methods for the fixed charge transportation problem.

Teaching activities

I'm teaching the following master courses:

  • Multiple criteria optimization (every odd fall semester)
  • Applied optimization: Location planning (every even fall semester)
  • Applied optimization: Vehicle routing (every odd spring semester)
  • Metaheuristics for combinatorial optimization (every even spring semester)

Selected publications

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Selected activities

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