Aarhus University Seal

Two researchers from NAT receive millions from the Inge Lehmann Programme under the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Aarhus University has received ten grants from the Inge Lehmann Programme under the Independent Research Fund Denmark. Two of the selected researchers are from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and will receive a total of DKK 5.76 million.

Inge Lehmann photographed in 1932. From The Royal Danish Library, Creative Commons license.

The purpose of the Inge Lehmann programme is to strengthen talent development in Danish research and promote a higher degree of gender equality in Danish research communities. The programme is named after the world-famous seismologist and state geodesist Inge Lehmann (1888-1993), who for many years had to fight for scientific recognition in a male-dominated Danish research environment.

The two Inge Lehmann grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark go to:

  • Assistant Professor Elizabeth le Roux, Department of Biology – Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity, DKK 2,879,548.
    • Elizabeth le Roux has received the grant to identify how large animals restore the complexity of the nutrient landscape in connection with rewilding, and the way in which plant species react to these changed nutrient conditions. In addition to their direct and physical impact on the biome, large animals can also shape the nutrient landscape. They do this by eating in one place and transporting and depositing the nutrients elsewhere.
  • Assistant Professor Mia Sloth Lundkvist, Department of Physics and Astronomy, DKK 2,879,966.
    • Mia Sloth Lundkvist has received the grant to generate new knowledge about the processes that create the planets we can observe outside our solar system. She wants to understand the importance of evaporation for the design of planetary systems and calculate the probability of finding a copy of the Earth among all the existing exoplanets.

Read the press release from the Independent Research Fund Denmark here (in Danish)