Aarhus Universitets segl


Parents@Nat-AU is a newly established network for pregnant/parent-to-be researchers and researchers with young children (nursery/kindergarten) who will return, are returning, or have recently returned to work at the Faculty of Natural Sciences (Nat).

The purpose of the parental network is to have a social forum where researchers can exchange experience in relation to being a parent in Aarhus and being a researcher on leave/returning to academia. For some families, their social network can be limited due to relatives living far away. For other families, it can be helpful to meet and learn from likeminded about taking a career break, sparring on nurseries/kindergarten/school or family activities in/around the city.

There is no formal committee structure of the network nor terms of reference. Rather the network is an informal peer support, point of information, and a relaxed room for meeting colleagues across the faculty in their role as parents.

Parents@Nat-AU provides a monthly get-together, for the time being on the last Monday of every month, in a large meeting venue at the university. Children and partners are more than welcome to join. Relevant topics and meeting forms for the network will be identified gradually and could for example include short presentations by a trade union representative, HR department, International Staff Office, clubs/associations, volunteering organisations or others. Specific requests will also be appreciated.

Since children are equally welcome, the level of formality is low, and there is room for flexibility. Prams can be brought via elevator and placed just outside the room.


Practical information

When: Last Monday of every month, 10-12 o’clock

Where: Aarhus University, Building 1525, room 626 (Physics and Astronomy)

Parents@Nat-AU is supported by Nat’s Dean’s Office, Faculty Management Team and Nat’s Diversity and Gender Equality Committee.

For more information, you are welcome to contact Birgitte So-Young Ahn, Dean’s Secretariat, by email bsa@au.dk or telephone +45 2057 0955