Researchers from the Faculty of Natural Sciences receive DKK 27,3 million from the Carlsberg Foundation
At the Faculty of Natural Sciences (NAT) 22 researchers have received grants from two of the Carlsberg Foudation programmes for a total sum of DKK 27,3 million.

The Carlsberg Foundation has just distributed almost DKK 300 million to a number of Denmark's foremost researchers. With the grants, the foundation's ambition is to support and secure the future for the conditions for the finest basic research.
At NAT, 22 researchers have received a total of DKK 27,3 million.
Young Researcher Fellowship
From the programme Carlsberg Foundation Young Researcher Fellowship, which aims to give younger talents the opportunity to stand on their own two feet by establishing an independent research group around them, three researchers each receive a grant:
- Associate professor Simon Wall, Department of Physics and Astronomy, receives DKK 4,996,778 for the project ”Coherence and disorder in light-driven phase transitions”.
- Associate Professor Claudia Strauch, Department of Mathematics, receives DKK 3,863,066 for the project "Exploring the potential of nonparametric modeling of complex systems via stochastic partial differential equations".
- Associate Professor Anne E. B. Nielsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, receives DKK 4,990,906 for the project "Non-thermalizing quantum systems and emerging symmetry".
Research Infrastructure
The other programme is Research Infrastructure, which aims to strengthen existing research and enable new ideas. 18 researchers from NAT recieve a grant:
- Professor Steen Brøndsted Nielsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, receives DKK 700,000 for the project "Spectrometer and CCD camera for LUNA2, a luminescence setup for 77-Kelvin molecular ions in vacuo".
- Associate Professor Ulf Andersson Vang Ørom, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, receives DKK 350,000 for the project "Molecular mechanisms of RNA modification in regulation of gene expression".
- Associate Professor Christian Kroun Damgaard, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, receives DKK 120,000 for the project "Regulation of mRNA decay and translation during the cellular stress response".
- Professor Angela Fago, Department of Biology, receives DKK 714,840 for the project "Mitochondrial adaptations to environmental change".
- Associate Professor Mingdong Dong, iNANO, receives DKK 2,234,000 for the project "Fluidic Force Microscope for Single-Cell Manipulation and Analysis".
- Associate Professor Charlotte Rohde Knudsen, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics , receives DKK 310,000 for the project "Does accurate protein synthesis depend on protein domain rotations?".
- Associate Professor Kenneth Howard, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and iNANO, receives DKK 100,000 for the project "Checkpoint Inhibitor Bioassay for Next-Generation Immunotherapy Nanomedicines".
- Associate Professor Thomas B. Poulsen, Department of Chemistry, receives DKK 1,000,000 for the project "Automating cell based screening and morphological profiling at Aarhus University".
- Professor Hans Kjeldsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, receives DKK 1,000,000 for the project "Improving the science quality of the Hertzsprung SONG telescope in the Stellar Observations Network Group".
- Professor Bo Brummerstedt Iversen, Department of Chemistry, receives DKK 1,500,000 for the project "TESCAN Scanning Electron Microscope".
- Associate Professor Rikke Louise Meyer, iNANO, receives DKK 432,898 for the project "Confocal microscope upgrade for live cell imaging".
- Professor Thomas Vosegaard, iNANO, receives DKK 950,000 for the project "NMR-based lipidomics for disease detection".
- Professor Andreas Schramm, Department of Biology, receives DKK 300,000 for the project "Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy, FLIM, for chemical and metabolic imaging in microbial systems".
- Associate Professor Ditlev Egeskov Brodersen, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, receives DKK 350,000 for the project "Understanding the molecular basis of NAD-depleting toxins in bacteria".
- Professor Jørgen Kjems, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, receives DKK 900,000 for the project "Measuring macromolecular interactions under native conditions".
- Associate Professor Ebbe Sloth Andersen, iNANO and Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, receives DKK 398,437 for the project "Optimization of Cryo-EM characterization pipeline for biomolecular nanostructures".
- Associate Professor Jesper Olsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, receives DKK 1,300,000 for the project "Ultra small samples directly on CO2 for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry AMS a first step towards 14CO2 dating of methane from marine sediments".
- Professor Rune Hartmann, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, receives DKK 188,804 for the project "IFN-?: A novel therapeutic for treatment of COVID-19"
- Professor Søren Rysgaard, Department og Biology, receives 600.000 DKK for the project ”IceMelt - Changes in freshwater runoff, glacial melt, sea ice melt in polar areas will be quantified by measuring hydrographic conditions, oxygen isotopes and other tracers on the coast and shelves around Greenland”.