Aarhus University Seal

97 mio. kr. fra DFF til forskning på Natural Sciences

Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond bevilger 97 mio. kr. til 26 forskningsprojekter på Natural Sciences.

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26 forskningsprojekter hos Faculty of Natural Sciences modtager tilsammen godt 97 mio. kr. fra Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond. Det svarer til næsten halvdelen af de godt 210 mio. kr., som fonden bevilger til projekter på Aarhus Universitet. I alt investerer DFF 746 millioner kroner i 210 nye forskningsideer fra alle faglige hovedområder.

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Navn Beløb DKK Projekt
Birgitta Ruth Knudsen, Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik 2.878.678 Topoisomerase 1 as a Novel Marker for Cellular Stress in Eukaryotes
Hans Otto Uldall Fynbo, Institut for Fysik og Astronomi 2.874.473 Measurement of 9Li and 8He decays for improving sensitivity of neutrino experiments
Ditlev Egeskov Brodersen, Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik 2.836.748 Uncovering the molecular mechanism of bacterial carbon-phosphorus lyase
Brigitte Maria Städler, iNANO 2.880.000 3D printed soft robotic frog with light-responsive legs 
Sophia Yakoubov, Institut for Datalogi 2.583.832 YOSO: Efficient "You Only Speak Once" Secure Computation
Niels Christian Nielsen, Institut for Kemi 2.880.000 Multiple-Spin Effective Hamiltonian Optimal Control: Boosting sensitivity and resolution of dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) and ultrafast-spinning 1H MAS NMR
Peter Grønkjær, Institut for Biologi 2.871.404 A metabolic squeeze on marine fish: Does the field metabolic rate limit the geographic distribution of fish populations?
Thomas Bjørnskov Poulsen, Institut for Kemi 2.871.830 Cracking the synthesis and discovering the biology of cyclohelminthol X
Simon Heiner Albrecht, Institut for Fysik og Astronomi 2.861.032 A Preponderance of Perpendicular Planets! How did that happen?
Jørgen Kjems, Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik 2.879.954 The role of circRNA composition and subcellular localisation in neuronal development
Rikke Louise Meyer, iNANO 2.880.000 Emergent functions of extracellular DNA: The glue, the shield, the catalyst, and the electron shuttle
Thorsten Joachim Nagel, Institut for Geoscience 567.792 Tracking the ocean along the lower-upper-mantle boundary
Johannes Overgaard, Institut for Biologi 2.864.096 PUMPED UP: Linking active transport capacity to insect cold tolerance
Maximilian David Stritzinger, Institut for Fysik og Astronomi 6.181.077 Cosmography of Laniakea: Type Ia supernovae, Peculiar Velocities & Dark Matter
Jan Johannes Enghild, Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik 6.053.813 Characterizing the proteolytic activation of CD109 and its effect on TGFβ signaling
Nikolaj Thomas Zinner, Institut for Fysik og Astronomi 6.191.998 QUAntum photonic Reservoir COMputing (QUARCOM)
Karl Anker Jørgensen, Institut for Kemi 5.983.129 Higher-order cycloadditions: development, scope, mechanism and bioactivity
Ioannis Caragiannis, Institut for Datalogi 5.750.015 Conceptual and Computational Challenges in Fair Division
Gergely Bérczi, Institut for Matematik 5.613.613 Hilbert scheme of points in higher dimensions
Ken Howard, iNANO 2.787.054 Biomolecular Module Assemblies as a Versatile and Potent Immune Modulator Platform
Magnus Kjærgaard, Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik 2.879.857 Dessication chaperones for enzyme biotechnology
Stig Uggerhøj Andersen, Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik 6.191.534 ZEN – Zero-vicine faba beans
Panagiotis Karras, Institut for Datalogi 6.191.716 ELAPSE: Enabling Elastic and Personalized Access to Large Heterogeneous Data
Claus Oxvig, Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik 2.878.678 Hidden parts of ovarian IGF physiology
Rune Hartmann, Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik 2.875.366 Balancing antiviral and pro-inflammatory responses to viral infections
Christian Kroun Damgaard, Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik 2.877.209 Investigating circular RNA impact on ALS/FTD etiology